Sunday, November 8, 2009

Homer Simpson vs the 18th Amendment

Part 1: The Simpsons did a very good job in portraying the 1920's prohibition in Springfield. They added humor to the facts but interesting enough, the facts of prohibition did outweigh the fictional comedy. In the Simpsons, almost the whole town of Springfield was angry about the new law of banning alcohol. It also shows how the new beverages companies went out of business. They also did a good job by relating the mobs/mafia as the people who sold the beer illegally. Speakeasies and bootleggers were a main important part of the 1920's and the Simpsons portrayed them well. The humor that they added to the show was the bar turning into a pet shop. Also, the transport of alcohol through bowling balls. I did enjoy this episode, although it had many facts about prohibition in the 1920's it also added humor to the episode. Overall, this episode was a very educational and funny.

Part 2: If i were to add a scene, i would add to the beginning about why prohibition came about. I would have shown that alcohol caused problems such as fighting, gambling, prostitution, etc to show why Prohibition occurred.

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