Thursday, December 17, 2009

FDR Speech

World War II has been raging all around us. As of right now we have decided to stay neutral. After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles helped keep the peace and ended the war. This peace treaty punished Germany. Germany was ordered to pay $33 billion to the Allies for the damage. Germany was also punished with other things. This is one of the main reasons why Germany has been acting up now. Also, the League of Nations was formed to prevent wars in the future. This worked for a few years until now. Also, the Washington Conference was signed which stated that the U.S., GB, Japan, Italy, and France agreed to not build battleships for more ten years. Japan and Italy are going against this Conference and are building up the Axis powers unfairly. Some of these problems led to why World War II began.

World War II has begun and has been happening for about two years now. The reasons why the World War II began started when Mussolini came to power in Italy. He began to have followers called "fascists". These followers gained control of the Italian government causing Mussolini to gain more power. They began to spend money to build the army, navy, and air force which they were not supposed to be doing according to the treaty's made after World War I. If people in Italy did not believe in their ways, they were to be jailed or killed. This clearly was not fair and was the beginning to all the force and persuading of people in World War II. The London Naval Conference continued the ban on battleships, submarines, cruisers, and destroyers. Although this was still going on, Italy was still beginning to build these things secretly. Another reason why World War II started was when Japan invaded Manchuria. Japan invaded Manchuria in order to gain more land and resources. This violated the League of Nations and the Kellogg-Brand Act. This caused a lot of drama and controversies. another reason why the war began was when Hitler came into power. Hitler and his Nazis gained power in Germany. He began the statement that Germans were to rule over other people. people who disagreed were tortured, jailed, or killed. Soon enough, Italy attacks Ethiopia and Japan invades China. All of these issues began to World War II.

The War began once Germany attacked Poland. The British and French support Poland and the war begins. The war continues and Hitler and Mussolini gain control of Romania, Greece, and Yugoslavia. Soon enough Hitler enters Russia and this is where we stand.

I believe that the U.S. should enter the war. we need to help Britain and France out. Hitler and Mussolini have crazy ideas and are torturing poor innocent people in their own country's. they are trying to take over the each country at a time and we have to stop this madness. Without us, Britain and France cannot fight this battle. If we help, i believe that we can win this war and help out all those other countries that have already been taken over.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Depression 2009

I do agree with some points in this article but i do believe that we will not fall into a depression like before. Yes i do see people who lose their jobs sit in their homes now instead of going out on the town. Also, people may now shop at cheaper stores but i do not believe that our world will end up the way the world did during the Great Depression. I believe with a new president and hope people will realize that America can survive. Also, being through a great depression from before, we are able to learn from our mistakes. My family has already been making sacrifices because my dad had lost his job over the summer. I have experienced what the bad economy can do to your family. But i have hope because today my father just got hired for a job. If you have hope and believe everything is going to be better, it eventually may. In a 21st century depression, the world may look different from than it is now. Less people would go out to eat or spend their money on pointless things. Also, i do believe if the economy did become really bad some people would move to other states or country's where the economy is better.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Homer Simpson vs the 18th Amendment

Part 1: The Simpsons did a very good job in portraying the 1920's prohibition in Springfield. They added humor to the facts but interesting enough, the facts of prohibition did outweigh the fictional comedy. In the Simpsons, almost the whole town of Springfield was angry about the new law of banning alcohol. It also shows how the new beverages companies went out of business. They also did a good job by relating the mobs/mafia as the people who sold the beer illegally. Speakeasies and bootleggers were a main important part of the 1920's and the Simpsons portrayed them well. The humor that they added to the show was the bar turning into a pet shop. Also, the transport of alcohol through bowling balls. I did enjoy this episode, although it had many facts about prohibition in the 1920's it also added humor to the episode. Overall, this episode was a very educational and funny.

Part 2: If i were to add a scene, i would add to the beginning about why prohibition came about. I would have shown that alcohol caused problems such as fighting, gambling, prostitution, etc to show why Prohibition occurred.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should Americans/patriots have to give up their personal freedoms during war?

During the war, Americans should not have to give up their personal freedoms. Americans who believe in our country and truly want to help the war will participate but just because people do not participate in a war does not mean they aren't true Americans. In modern times, people now have jobs and family's and lives ahead of them. Back then, the whole world would only be about war. Most men's jobs was participating in the war and their only lives ahead of them was winning the war. People nowadays live a different lifestyle and although the war is still going on people are dealing with other difficulties in their daily lives. i believe if you want to fight for your country that's great but if you don't want to, that's okay too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

yellow journalism homework

On February 15, the USS Maine sank and exploded!! Over 250 Americans were killed in the explosion. The battleship was in the harbor of Havana, Cuba protecing American interests. Around 9:40 pm the USS Maine was torn apar by one or two explosions. The Spain are to blame! Many Americans believe USS Maine was supposed to leave the harbor two days after it had exploded. Clearly the Spanish had this planned! A few days ago McKinley was insulted in the de lome letter. This makes perfect sense. The spanish are clearly mad that we are in their territory and over powering them. If they want war, lets bring war. They killed 250 innocent Americans. It's our time to return the favor!